New season starts with double concert and a premier

The 2022-23 season starts with exciting collaborations.

On 11 September 2022, Ajtony Csaba will conduct the MIKAMO Central European Chamber Orchestra in the Budapest Music Center, Budapest. The program celebrates the 100th anniversary of Xenakis, and includes works by Czernowin, Mozart (with soundpainting), and Hungarian and Slovakian young composers. MIKAMO will also host the Quasars Ensemble from Bratislava. 

The concert will be performed on 12 September 2022 also in Bratislava, in the building of the Slovak Radio, and it will be also recorded. 

On 16 September, a new piece of Ajtony Csaba will be premiered by the UMZE Ensemble in Budapest. The work is entitled 'Wasuunga' which means in Haida language (indigenous group in Canada) 'they say'. It refers to storytelling where the story rolls on like the music in this piece.